Thursday 24 May 2012

Congratulations Australia

 Congratulations to the excellent dive spot of the colonies - Australia

I know you have been trying for years and now you have finally managed to invent the most brilliantly, violently insane game ever

One Crazy sonofabitch

Sometimes you have to doff your cap to the truly batshit crazy

Sir, I salute you, you crazy, crazy sonofabitch

Finally throwing together a blog

I am finally getting around to creating a blog.

Tried putting one together a while back but it fizzled, so this time I am definitely going to do it differently.

Yes, definitely.

I will dedicate spare moments of time to it and bother.

Or not, time will, inevitably, tell.

But you can definitely just go to my G+ stream anyway.

I had intended this to be a better organised start but I realised that I had missed out on the essential "planning" bit.